How To Unlock The Butterflies Lens On Snapchat

Snapchat is no longer just a buzzword; it actually made clicking pictures much more fun with the help of the amazing AR-based features.

You can now have cartoons, emojis, animals, butterflies, and whatnot in your picture, and with every single picture, you will look even more classy and beautiful. 

While there is no limit to the lenses available on Snapchat, butterflies have been loved by many users for quite a long time.

So, the question is how to unlock the butterflies lens on Snapchat.

Well, while this is an important question, first, we need to understand what is Snapchat lens and then move ahead with the article’s core.

Know About The Snapchat Lens

We all are aware of Snapchat and how we can use it. But now the question here is what is the Snapchat lens. Well, consider them as the artificial environment that will be added to your pictures when you click using Snapchat. Hard? So, let us try to put this in a simple and even more understandable manner. 

You must be aware of the augmented reality that helps you experience things that are really not there. Right, so now let us try to understand this lens concept.

Simply put, these are AR, or augmented reality, lenses that can add different filters to your photo. Now, when more filters are added to your picture, it makes the picture unique and appealing. Also, you do not need to modify or edit the picture as all these are already built into the lenses. Great right?

But are there more than one variety of lens on Snapchat available for the users? Well, yes, there are. The most common Snapchat lenses include:

  • Butterfly lenses
  • Cartoon lenses
  • Markeup lenses
  • Festive lenses
  • And a lot more.

In fact, there are more than 2.5k+ lenses available on the Snapchat platform that users can try and use. But recently, a surge in the demand for the butterfly lens was seen. 

But again, the question here is how you can use or unlock the butterfly lenses on Snapchat.

This process is very easy to perform, So, now let us look at the various methods and processes to unlock the lenses.

Ways To Unlock The Butterflies Lens On Snapchat

Are you also one of those users who are trying to unlock or use the butterfly lens on Snapchat?

In fact, there are many ways to unlock the different types of lenses on Snapchat, you need to explore each one and get more and more lenses.

Though there can be many ways to unlock the butterfly lens, here are the 3 proven methods with perfect results assured.

Method 1: Get a Snapchat Lens Link from a Friend

Step 1: Open the Snapchat app on your Android or iPhone mobile phone.

Step 2: Open the inbox of the friend with the butterfly lens saved in their profile.

Step 3: Ask your friend to look and search for the butterfly lens.

Step 4:  Now, ask them to select the ‘Share’ option.

Step 5: Ask your friend to send the link to you which is copied and is available on their clipboard.

Step 6: Once you have received the link, click on it, and it will automatically open in your Snapchat app.

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Method 2: Scan a Snapcode Image

Step 1: Open the Snapchat mobile app.

Step 2: Open the app’s camera.

Step 3: Now, place the Snap code (a QR code) in such a way that it can be captured by the camera frame.

Step 4: Click a picture of the Snap code. The image will scan the image on its own and will open the link to the butterfly lens.

Method 3: Search for Butterfly Lenses on Snapchat Filter

Step 1: Open the Snapchat application by tapping on the icon on your phone.


Step 2: Open the app’s camera.

click a photo using snapchat android application
Click a photo using the Snapchat Android application

Step 3: There will be a search icon or magnifying glass text box located at the bottom of the screen. Just click on it to open the new page.

search butterfly lense on Snapchat
search butterfly lense on Snapchat to unlock it.

Step 4: On the new page there will be many lenses listed. Now locate the search bar at the top of the application screen. Type ‘Butterfly lens’ in it and all the relevant results will appear.

Unlock The Butterflies Lens On Snapchat
Unlock The more butterflies Lens On Snapchat

Step 5: Try the lenses to see which one you like.


Indeed, using the butterfly lens was quite a simple task. Right?

Well, After Unlock The Butterflies Lens On Snapchat, start trying them to see which one suits you the best.

And do not forget to try the various other Snapchat lenses with your friends and family to capture special moments in a funny way. Happy snapping!

FAQ Unlock The Butterflies Lens On Snapchat

Q1- How to get the butterfly filter on Snapchat?

Where is the butterfly filter on Snapchat?

Answer– Open your Snapchat on mobile and click on the filter icon. There you will find many filters, so select the Snapchat Butterfly filter to send your friend or family member.

Q2- How to get more lenses on Snapchat?

Answer– Open your Snapchat social media app on your mobile phone, and click on the magnifying glass icon to search for more lenses on Snapchat.

Q3- Can I use Snapchat on a laptop without a phone?

Answer – Yes, you can use Snapchat on the web as well if you don’t want to use it on a mobile phone. You can perform all activities with few limitations which you can only send using a mobile phone.


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