Your Guide On How Can You Sell Courses On Shopify Is Here!

What is your expertise? You must be wondering why we are asking you this question.

Well, because we are here to share deep insights on the same with you.

 An option that can help you establish a startup or additional income source.

Using this business model, you can also help others get enlightened and learn new skills and gather knowledge. 

Yes, we are talking about using Shopify for online courses.

The increasing demand for online courses has become a lucrative field of earning better into me and generating higher revenues.

At the same time, when you sell courses online, you can collaborate with others, provide more options, and increase your profit margin. 

Without a doubt, Shopify for selling courses is a great choice.

But there are still various questions that revolve around the same. So, let us explore the top questions here.

Can You Sell Courses On Shopify?

Yes! You can sell courses online with Shopify.  It is an ideal eCommerce platform for selling online courses. Known for its robust capabilities, Shopify can support various online business models, including online education.

How can You Sell Courses On Shopify store
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It has got an intuitive user interface. It offers a seamless experience to course creators and learners.

Creating and selling your courses on Shopify simplifies managing your online course catalog.

It allows you to develop content. Simultaneously, it takes care of the technicalities in the backend such as:

  • Website Hosting
  • Security
  • Payment gateways
  • Pre-built templates

Additionally, Shopify’s online course theme makes creating a unique and appealing storefront for your courses easy.

You can adapt your site to showcase your brand’s aesthetics and the nature of your courses.

Shopify also integrates well with several third-party apps and tools.

You can utilize additional functionality as per your needs.

Whether it’s email marketing to keep your students engaged or using analytics to track your sales, Shopify has got you covered.

Shopify for selling courses is perfect.

How To Sell Courses On Shopify Store?

Before jumping into selling courses on Shopify, let’s understand why it has emerged as a preferred platform for online learning. 

The surge in the popularity of online courses has led platforms like Shopify, initially meant for selling physical and digital products and services, to expand their capabilities.

Now, selling Shopify courses, free or paid, is a common trend. It draws a wide range of learners from across the globe.

Can You Sell Courses On Shopify

Here’s a step-wise guide on how to sell courses on the Shopify platform:

1] Create Your Shopify Store

  • Start by signing up on Shopify.
  • Select a subscription plan as per your business needs.
  • Customize your store with attractive themes.
  • Incorporate your brand elements for a distinctive look and feel.

2] Develop Your Course

  • Create comprehensive course content.
  • Ensure it provides value to your learners. 
  • You can utilize an e-learning platform.
  • It will integrate with Shopify for course creation and management.

3] Add Your Course as a Product

  • On Shopify, courses are treated as products. 
  • Write compelling descriptions for your courses.
  • Upload engaging images.
  • Set your prices.
  • Optimize your listings with relevant keywords for better visibility.

4] Set Up Payment and Delivery Methods

  • Shopify supports multiple payment gateways.
  • Select that best suits your business or make a combination of multiple.
  • For course delivery, you can provide direct download links.
  • Use a third-party app to distribute your course upon purchase.
  • Install some payment apps.

5] Market Your Courses

  • Finally, it’s crucial to promote your courses effectively. 
  • Utilize varied marketing strategies such as:
    1. email marketing
    2. social media promotion
    3. content marketing
    4. search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Promote your course.
  • Run advertisements and offers.

There you go! You are now ready to use Shopify for selling courses!

Pro Tip: When creating a course, ensure that:

  • It is interactive and engaging.
  • You are using examples.
  • The course has quizzes and simulations.
  • There is a feedback session.
  • The course adds value to the user.
  • There is a certificate of completion at the end.
  • All terms are mentioned.
How To Sell Courses On Shopify Store?

Why Is Shopify For Selling Courses A Good Choice?

Opting for Shopify for selling courses is an excellent choice for many reasons. Shopify offers a seamless, user-friendly platform for course creators and learners alike.

Here are a few reasons why Shopify is the best::

1] Easy Setup

Shopify offers a straightforward setup process. It provides various Shopify online course themes specifically designed to support the needs of online educators.

2] Wide Range of Apps

Shopify’s App Store is rich with tools and plugins. These help to enhance your store’s functionality. For instance, you can use a Shopify online course plugin to deliver courses directly through your Shopify store.

3] Customization

Shopify allows for extensive customization. This allows you to reflect on your brand aesthetics and the nature of your courses.

4] Integrated Payment Gateways

Shopify supports a multitude of payment gateways. It makes transactions hassle-free for you and your learners. This improves your goodwill and trustworthiness.

5] Marketing Tools

Shopify provides multiple marketing tools to promote your courses. SEO features, email marketing, and integration with social media platforms are all a part.

6] Excellent Support

Shopify offers consistent 24/7 customer support. Whether it’s a technical issue or a question about the platform, Shopify’s support team is always ready to help.

7] Free Course Options

With Shopify, you can also offer Shopify courses free of charge. This can be an excellent strategy to attract learners and showcase the quality of your content.

In a nutshell, Shopify offers an all-inclusive platform to sell courses online. It enables educators to focus on creating high-quality content while it handles the technical aspects.

What Are the Top 5 Shopify Online Course Plugins?

If you plan to sell courses on Shopify, using plugins can streamline the process and enhance the learner’s experience. These plugins can:

  • Automate course distribution
  • Manage enrollments
  • Offer progress tracking
  • Much more. 

Here are the top five Shopify online course plugins:

1] Tevello Courses

The Tevello Courses plugin is a comprehensive solution for selling courses on Shopify.

It lets you create, share, manage, and sell online courses directly from your Shopify store.

Features like drip content, progress tracking, and quizzes enhance the learning experience.

2] Online Courses Ape

This plugin makes adding and managing courses on your Shopify store easy.

Online Courses Ape allows you to upload course content, manage student enrollment, and track course completion. It also supports multimedia content, enriching your courses.

3] Courses Plus

Courses Plus shopify app for selling courses online

This Shopify app is the most popular and used for online course stores.

This plugin makes adding and managing courses on your Shopify store easy.

Online Courses Ape allows you to upload course content, manage student enrollment, and track course completion.

It also supports multimedia content, enriching your courses.

4] Inflowkit Membership & Courses

This plugin focuses on creating an inviting learning environment.

With Inflowkit, you can offer membership options, drip feed content, and build a community with a built-in forum.

Its robust features help increase student engagement and retention.

5] Thinkific ‑ Online Courses

Thinkific is a widely popular online course platform, and its Shopify plugin allows seamless integration between the two platforms.

You can create and sell your Thinkific courses directly from your Shopify store, offering a smooth learning experience to your students.

The Thinkific Shopify integration is the most popular one to go for.

Read more Can You Sell Subscriptions On Shopify?

Which Are The Top 5 Shopofy Online Course Themes?

Creating an engaging and user-friendly storefront for your online courses on Shopify is crucial for capturing the interest of potential learners.

Thankfully, Shopify provides a multitude of themes designed for different industries.

Even for the service sector and online courses, there are many themes.

Here are the top five Shopify online course themes:

1] Publisher Theme

Shopify Publisher Theme for selling courses
  • Cost: It is available for free.
  • Quick setup: Minimal steps for a fast launch.
  • Visual storytelling: Showcases images to enhance your brand narrative.
  • Slide-out cart and Quick buy: Streamlines the checkout process.
  • Promo banners and Cross-selling: Boosts marketing and conversions.
  • High-resolution images and Image galleries: Presents course content visually.
  • Product Options and Product tabs: Simplifies course categorization.
  • Enhanced search and Mega menu: Facilitates easy course discovery.
  • Sticky header: Keeps main navigation at the forefront for user convenience.
  • Product videos: Allows for in-depth course previews.
  • FAQ page: Addresses common inquiries, enhancing customer service.

2] Broadcast Theme

  • Cost: It is available at $300.
  • Quick Setup: Offers minimal steps for swift theme launch.
  • Cart Notes and Pre-order: Facilitates special instructions and future course reservations.
  • Quick Buy and Slide-out Cart: Provides a smooth and fast checkout experience.
  • Product Reviews and Promo Popups: Amplifies marketing and conversion potential.
  • Image Galleries and Product Videos: Visualizes course content and enhances presentation.
  • Color Swatches and Animation: Adds a dynamic visual touch to your store.
  • Back-to-top Button and Enhanced Search: Improves site navigation for better product discovery.
  • Product Badges and Trust Badges: Enhances course credibility and customer trust.
  • In-menu Promos and Cross-selling: Boosts opportunities for marketing and conversion.
  • Product Filtering and Sorting: Assists customers in easily finding their preferred courses.

3] Symmetry Theme

  • Cost: It is available at $320.
  • Quick Buy and Pre-order: Simplifies the checkout process and offers flexibility with future course reservations.
  • Cart Notes: Allows customers to add specific instructions, enhancing user experience.
  • In-Menu Promos and Cross-Selling: Boosts marketing efforts and potential for course sales.
  • High-Resolution Images and Image Zoom: Showcases course visuals effectively for better engagement.
  • Product Tabs and Product Videos: Provides detailed course information for potential buyers.
  • Promo Banners and Stock Counter: Enhances marketing visibility and creates a sense of urgency.
  • Breadcrumbs and Mega Menu: Improves site navigation for a smooth course discovery process.
  • Product Badges and Trust Badges: Improves credibility and builds trust with potential course buyers.
  • Enhanced Search and Product Filtering: Helps customers easily find their desired courses.
  • Recommended Products and Sticky Header: Promotes related courses and ensures key navigation remains visible.

4] Showcase Theme

Shopify Showcase Theme for selling courses
  • Cost: It is available at $300.
  • Quick Setup: Offers minimum steps for an efficient theme launch.
  • Cart Notes and In-store Pickups: Enables special instructions and offline course pickups.
  • Quick Buy: Facilitates smooth and speedy checkout experience.
  • Product Reviews and Promo Banners: Enhances marketing and trust-building.
  • Image Galleries and High-resolution Images: Provides high-quality visuals for course content.
  • Animation and Color Swatches: Gives your store a dynamic and colorful appeal.
  • Infinite Scroll and Mega Menu: Improves site navigation for better course discovery.
  • Product Badges and Trust Badges: Increases course credibility and boosts customer trust.
  • In-menu Promos and Cross-selling: Elevates marketing and conversion possibilities.
  • Product Filtering and Sorting: Aids customers in finding their desired courses effortlessly.

5] Gain Theme

  • Cost: It is available at $260.
  • Quick Buy and Slide-out Cart: Offers a quick and user-friendly checkout process.
  • Cart Notes: Allows customers to provide specific instructions for their course.
  • Countdown Timer: An ideal feature for flash sales and time-based promotions.
  • Product Reviews and Promo Banners: Increases marketing potential and trust among customers.
  • Image Galleries and High-resolution Images: Showcases high-quality visuals for course content.
  • Animation and Color Swatches: Adds a dynamic and appealing touch to your online store.
  • Image Hotspot: Enables an interactive display of course content.
  • Breadcrumbs and Collection Page Navigation: Improves site navigation for better course discovery.
  • Product Badges and Trust Badges: Enhances course credibility and customer trust.
  • Product Filtering and Sorting: Assists customers in finding their preferred courses conveniently.

What Do You Mean By Shopify LMS?

Shopify LMS refers to a Learning Management System integrated with Shopify. Essentially, it’s a platform or software that facilitates creating, managing, and delivering e-learning courses or training programs. 

With Shopify LMS, users can sell and distribute their online courses directly from their Shopify store.

It’s a versatile solution for educators and businesses aiming to offer digital learning experiences alongside their physical products.

What Do You Mean By Shopify LMS

Top Tips When You Sell Courses Online

When using Shopify for selling courses, creating a strong strategy is crucial. It will then ensure your success. Here are 10 important tips to consider:

1] Understand Your Audience

  • Know your target audience’s needs and preferences. 
  • Tailor your courses to meet these needs.

2] Create Quality Content

  • Ensure your courses are comprehensive, informative, and engaging. 
  • High-quality content is key to bringing in new students.
  • It helps in retaining them as well.

3] User-Friendly Design

  • Choose a Shopify online course theme that offers a user-friendly interface. 
  • The easier your course is to navigate, the better the user experience.

4] Transparent Pricing

  • Be transparent about pricing and what each course offers. 
  • Unexpected costs can deter potential students.

5] Offer a Variety

  • Provide a mix of free and paid courses. 
  • Free courses can attract potential students.
  • This will give them an idea of what to expect in paid courses.

6] Secure and Multiple Payment Options

  • You can select from varied payment options.
  • Ensure all transactions are secure.

7] Leverage SEO

  • Optimize your course descriptions.
  • Use relevant keywords to improve visibility on search engines.

8] Regular Updates

  • Keep your course content updated. 
  • This will keep your courses relevant and provide value to your students.

9] Engage with Your Students

  • Regularly engage with your students. 
  • Encourage them to leave reviews and feedback.

10] Promote Your Courses

  • Leverage different marketing channels to promote your courses. 
  • Email marketing, content marketing, social media, and influencer marketing are excellent tools.

Pro Tip: Selling courses online involves more than just creating content. It’s about building a connection with your learners, understanding their needs, and offering them value through your courses.


Shopify is a comprehensive platform. It doesn’t just sell physical goods. It also offers online courses.

You can also sell Shopify courses for free. This is possible because of advanced features.

These include plugins, themes, and an integrated LMS. These tools make it ideal for the online learning industry.

You can be an entrepreneur, a small business, or a big company. You can still leverage Shopify’s power to learn can you sell courses on Shopify

It can help you increase your reach. It can enhance your online offerings.

Ultimately, it can increase your sales. Remember, Shopify for selling courses needs dedication and hard work.

It is about creating high-quality, engaging content. Choosing the right theme and plugins is also important.

So, utilize these effective marketing strategies to reach your target audience and build your online course on Shopify today!

Explore Shopify Features and build your online store


FAQ Can You Sell Courses On Shopify?

Q1- Is it profitable to sell courses online on Shopify?

Yes, selling online courses is profitable with using the Shopify platform. You have to develop your course one time and you can sell it multiple times. You can create any course as per your skills and can start selling on Shopify.

Q2- Is selling courses on Udemy profitable or Shopify?

Udemy is an online course marketplace, there are 1000s of online courses available by global tutors. You can also list your course on Udemy, defiantly it will be profitable due to the popularity of Udemy’s huge customer base. You can list your course first on Udemy and at the same time you can create your Shopify store and can create an online store on Shopify for selling courses, in this way, you can make money from both platforms.

Q3- Can you put courses on Shopify Store?

Yes, you can list any kind of course that you can provide customers on the online platform or on the web, you can put that course on Shopify and start selling to global customers.

Q4- Can I sell coaching services on Shopify Store?

Yes Off course!! you can sell coaching, and teaching kind of services on the Shopify store. There are multiple Shopify apps that can help you to set up your coaching, teaching, and consulting business on the Shopify store.

Q5- Which is the best LMS for Shopify?

TalentLMS is one of the Best LMS for Shopify available in the Shopify app store. You can explore Online Courses Ape as well to set up an LMS on the Shopify platform.

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