What Terms On Snapchat Mean? A Guide To understand Snapchat Slang words meaning

Have you, as a user, ever thought of what the small words used on Snapchat? Confused, what are we talking about? You must have seen your friends using some slang on Snapchat, right? So what do those slangs mean? 

Trust me, you are not the only one looking for an answer.

In this guide, we have listed some of the questions in the same line and explained the right answer to help you.

So, get ready to explore the meaning of these short forms and get your chat on Snapchat to the next level.

What Does SB Mean On Snapchat?

SB on Snapchat refers to Snap Back. So, if you ever receive SB written in the chat, the sender is asking you to send the snap or picture to them. This can be because:

  • It has been quite a long since you have sent any picture to the sender. 
  • The other reason is that the time is less, and if the snap is not sent back, the SnapStreak will break. 

So, the next time you receive SB, just click a picture and send it back to the sender.

What Does ASL Mean Snapchat?

Well, this is quite a common slang that is not only used on Snapchat. It is also used on chatting applications like WhatsApp or even on famous social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook. It simply means age, sex, and location. 

When you see ASL written in the chat, the sender is asking for your age, sex (gender), and the location where you are. It is usually asked to know the person better, and you can choose to either revert to the answer or politely decline if you do not want to share.

What Does IG Mean In Snapchat?

In the online world, IG stands for Instagram, or I Guess. It can be either of the two when you are using Snapchat. But most of the time, you can understand the meaning of the abbreviation based on the sentence shared. 

Say you shared a question with your friend, like, do you get the question in the paper today, and the reply is IG, then it’s mostly, I guess. On the contrary, if you request to connect on IG, then it’s Instagram. So, better read properly and then answer.

What Does SMH Mean In Snapchat?

What do you do when you either disagree or disapprove of something?

Well, we usually shake our heads. SMH stands for the same thing, which is shaking/shake my head. Practically, if you receive this SMH in a text, it means the sender is suggesting that something you did is not right or unbelievable. 

So, next time you receive SMH, just understand that the sander doesn’t approve of what you mentioned or performed.

What Does OTP Mean In Snapchat?

This is not the one-time password that you get on mobile. So, what is this all about?

OTP on Snapchat means one true pairing/pair. It is usually used for some fictional romantic couples. Say you are talking about some show or movie and want to ask the other which is their favorite couple in the same; you may use OTP.

In other terms, it is also linked to the meaning of on the phone. So, again, it is advised that you follow the message before answering, but if we are just considering Snapchat, then OTP is mostly linked to one true pair.

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What Does SU Or S/U Mean In Snapchat?

Well, this is sure to confuse you. But the meaning is very simple. SU refers to Swipe Up. It is shared when you need someone to swipe up to see more content that has been shared in the message.

Say you have shared 5 images with your friend, so you can start your message with SU suggesting that the receiver needs to swipe up to check all the images you shared. Now, that is simple.

What Does IGHT Mean In Snapchat?

The term IGHT is short for alright and is commonly used on Snapchat and other social media platforms. It’s a quick way to say okay or to suggest that you comprehend or understand whatever someone is sharing or saying. 

This abbreviation is part of internet slang and is most commonly applied in casual conversations online. It helps to make chatting quicker and more efficient, especially on platforms like Snapchat, where messages are usually short and to the point. Overall, IGHT is a popular shorthand that you’ll encounter in various digital communication settings.

What Does ATP Mean In Snapchat?

Quite a common short form used on social media platforms; this is one that you should be aware of.

ATP means to ask a friend to answer the phone. This is usually shared when you want someone to pick up the phone quickly and urgently.

On Snapchat, you usually find ATP when someone has called you, but you have not ticked up yet. This is just an intimation that you should pick up the next call as it is urgent.

What Does ASF Mean In Snapchat?

Trust me, if you have received this message, you must have a hint of what it means. Well, if not, then let us help you understand the same. ASF usually refers to As F**K and sometimes so forth as well. But it is not used in the negative sense mostly.

It is usually shared when you want to share something extremely important or emphasize something crucial. Most of the time, it’s used in the center or at the end of the sentence. 

What Does ONB Mean In Snapchat?

In the context of Snapchat, the acronym ONB stands for On Bro. This phrase is used to emphasize sincerity or truthfulness when making a statement. It’s akin to saying, “I swear on my brother,” to stress that you’re not lying or exaggerating. 

This slang is common in online and text-based conversations, particularly among younger users familiar with internet lingo. Overall, ONB serves as a strong affirmation of one’s words or actions.

What Does HY Mean In Snapchat?

A yes is distinct from a sureshot or affirmative yes. This is where you would use HY, which refers to Hell Yes. It means that whatever a person has said to you right now, you agree to it without any doubt at all. 

It is sometimes also used for Heck Yeah, but the intention stays the exact. So, next time you get a message and agree, just type HY, and your response is ready.

What Does LMR Mean In Snapchat?

It can be hurtful when you share some pictures with your friend and still have not received any feedback. This is where you can use LMR, which means like my recent. The basic idea of sharing this message is to ask your friend to like the very recent story or picture shared by you.

So, next time you see LMR on your Snapchat message, just go ahead and like the very recent picture or even content they shared and give them a good boost to stay ahead and go. 

What Does FWB Mean In Snapchat?

Well, you all know the relationship status can be single, committed, or complicated. But there is one additional which is known to a few. It is FWB which refers to friends with benefits. This is where the people are not in a committed relationship but are only together for intimate moments. 

Now, if you get someone asking you FWB, you know what you want to reply and decide. Since it is a synonym for a casual relationship, it is advised to use it judiciously and make a proper implication to avoid any dispute.

What Does ONG Mean In Snapchat?

ONG stands for On God within the Snapchat community. Imagine being so shocked by a snap. This is where you can use this ONG. It mainly suggests that whatever you say is very true, and you are putting pressure on the same.

Many people consider it a typo for OMG, which is also not wrong. In a way, you are shocked and suggesting a fact. So, in either case, you can use ONG when you want to say I swear or I am sure. 

What Does IDEK Mean In Snapchat?

There will be times in a chat when you won’t be aware of what is being asked or what was the situation. Say somebody asks you if you knew about the accident yesterday, and if you do not know, then you will use IDEK.

IDEK stand, I don’t even know. So when you do not have the answer to the question or are unaware of some fact, using this is the best chance to stay on the right track. This will prevent you from making any misjudgment or interpretation at all. 

What Does OML Mean In Snapchat?

Sometimes things can get so astonishing during a Snapchat conversation that a simple “wow” doesn’t capture the feeling. Imagine a friend sending you a snap of a fortunate event they just witnessed. Your surprise might be so profound that a mere “OMG” feels inadequate.

That’s where OML steps in, signifying, Oh My Lord. It’s like using an exclamation symbol to your reaction. By using OML, you’re emphasizing your surprise or shock without exaggerating. It’s a way to genuinely express your feelings without appearing overly dramatic. So, next time something on Snapchat leaves you amazed and searching for words, remember that OML might be the perfect response.

What Does SFS Mean On Snapchat?

While scrolling through Snapchat, you might stumble upon someone seeking a mutual promotion or wanting to expand their circle. It’s a bit like when friends ask to swap lunch items at school. This mutual exchange on Snapchat is dubbed SFS, which translates to Shoutout For Shoutout or sometimes Snapchat for Snapchat.

When someone asks for an SFS, they suggest a friendly exchange: “I’ll promote your snap or story if you do the same for me.” Engaging in SFS can be fun to discover new content and broaden your Snapchat horizons. So, the next time you come across SFS, consider it a friendly handshake in the digital realm, aiming for mutual growth.

What Does WYLL Mean On Snapchat?

Picture being on Snapchat and wanting to put a face to the name or, more accurately, to the username. That’s when WYLL might pop into the chat. Standing for “What You Look Like,” it’s a friendly way of asking someone to share a bit more about themselves visually. It’s akin to asking a new friend at a social gathering, “Do we know each other?” or “Have we met before?”. 

Using WYLL is a gentle nudge to connect and familiarize, to move from just text-based chats to more personal interaction. So, if someone drops a WYLL in your chat, they’re probably curious and keen on knowing the person behind the snaps a little better.

What Does NFS Mean Snapchat?

When it comes to using NFS on Snapchat, there are various meanings for the same. Some might interpret it as No Funny Shit, or some might take it as Not So Fast. Now the problem is how you will understand in what context it has been shared. The easiest solution is that you need to read the previous chat.

So, when you get NFS on your chat, it’s important that you first read the previous text to jump to the conclusion it might be about. Directly jumping to a conclusion might be wrong and can lead to misinterpretations.

What Does ISTG Mean On Snapchat?

What is the response you give when you are blamed for something but have not done anything? We usually swear on the god, which is what ISTG stands for. It refers to I Swear To God. When you are chatting, and you get some message where you are asked to confirm but still there is some confusion, you can use this to suggest you are right and true.

Also, it is sometimes used when you are praising something. Say your friend shared a picture with you, and you have never seen something as beautiful as the picture; then you can say ISTG in reply. So, now you know everything you need about where and how to use this.

What Does GNS Mean On Snapchat?

Well, even if you love chatting with your friends and using Snapchat often, you still need to end the interaction and have a good night’s sleep. So, this is where you can use GNS on Snapchat.

GNS stands for Good Night Streaks

It is often used when you say good night to your friend, as in it is the last image or message for the day, and let’s rest now. So, next time you get this message on your Snapchat, just understand it’s time to go to bed. 

How Does Snapchat Score Work?

Your Snapchat score combines the number of snaps or pictures you’ve sent and accepted with additional points from other activities. For every snap you send, you earn a point. You also get a point for viewing or getting a snap. Posting a story doesn’t increase your score by itself. The exact formula Snapchat uses is proprietary, so other undisclosed factors might be involved. Essentially, the more active you are, your score will be.

What Does Time Sensitive Mean On Snapchat?

Time-sensitive notifications on Snapchat were introduced in 2023 to ensure users don’t miss out on important messages. This feature elevates the priority of select messages, making them more prominent for users. Specifically:

  • These notifications bypass “Do Not Disturb” or “Focus Mode” on devices.
  • They remain visible on the lock screen for approximately an hour.
  • They’re designed for messages that demand immediate attention.
  • Users own the chance to turn off this feature within Snapchat settings.

What Does The Yellow Heart Mean On Snapchat?

The Yellow Heart on Snapchat signifies that you and the respective person are best friends on the platform. Essentially, it means you send the most snaps to this individual, and they reciprocate by sending the most snaps to you. It represents mutual and consistent interaction between two users, highlighting the close bond and frequent engagement you share on Snapchat.

What Does The Red Heart Mean On Snapchat Next To The Name?

The Red Heart appears next to someone’s name on Snapchat when you’ve both maintained the status of being each other’s #1 best friend for at least two consecutive weeks. It’s a progression from the Yellow Heart, illustrating a consistent and deepening Snapchat relationship. This symbol confirms that you are engaging frequently and have sustained this interaction over a longer period, indicating a more stable bond.

What Does WTM Mean On Snapchat?

If you ever encounter WTM on Snapchat, it’s very common to get confused. Well, WTM refers to three different things on the social media platforms. So, when chatting with someone, you will need to actually interpret. 

Let’s understand the what is the WTM mean:

  1. WTM refers to What’s the move. This is usually used when you are planning something and you need to know what is the next step that should be taken.
  2. WTM also refers to What’s the matter? It is used when you seek to ask how your friend is feeling. Say you get a message out of the blue and feel something is wrong, then this message should be used. 
  3. WTM is used for Whatever that means. Now say you have texted something, but your friend is now confused. So, in such a case you will get WTM where you would be required to explain the meaning of the same to your friend.


Now, you have all the answers linked to various questions and abbreviations used on Snapchat.

While the meaning is simple, again, you must use them properly. In case you do not recall the meaning of any short for,

please ask the sender the meaning before replying to avoid confusion and misinterpretation. So, get going with all these and have a happy chatting experience on Snapchat.

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